#cold weather

Collection of cold weather news, found 38 news.

North Sumatra targets two gold from Athletics in Papua PON

The North Sumatra chapter of the  Indonesian Athletic Association (PASI) is targeting to pocket two gold medals in ...

News Focus

Growth of Jambi's farming sector amid the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people's way of living, socially and economically. The government, from the ...

Air Force to return Wamena refugees home aboard Hercules aircraft

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is prepped to offer air transportation to residents, who had fled Wamena following ...

President Jokowi arrives in Iran

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at Mehrabad International Airport, Tehran, Iran, on Tuesday around ...

Mosul residents fear cold and hunger of winter siege

No food or fuel has reached Mosul in nearly a week and the onset of rain and cold weather threatens a tough winter for ...

EARTH WIRE -- Climate change in Arctic may contribute to extreme cold winters

Warming in the Arctic appears to be exerting an influence on extreme cold winter weather in some parts of the world, ...

Thousand migrants stranded on Macedonian border, tensions rise

Tensions rise on Sunday at the border between Macedonia and Greece where more than 1,000 migrants from countries in ...

Shopbop.com Announces Mira Mikati Capsule Collection For Holiday

- Shopbop.com, the premier, global shopping destination for women, announces an exclusive capsule collection with ...

Mount Tambora National Park Transformed Into New Ecotourism Destination

In 1816, Europe and North America experienced an unusual climatic phenomenon termed, "the year without a summer" due ...

BI keeps watch for global economic risks

Bank Indonesia continues to monitor global economic risks during the next few weeks, particularly after the US ...

Mentawai floods displace 10,000 residents

Floods on Siberut Island, Mentawai District, West Sumatra Province, have displaced around 10,000 residents, according ...

Mentawai flood victims suffer from several diseases

Several flood victims in North Siberut and South Siberut Sub-districts of Mentawai Islands District, W Sumatra, are ...

VP Boediono attends innauguration ceremony of S. Korea President

Indonesian Vice President Boediono attended inauguration ceremony of the new South Korea President Park Geun-hye at ...

Five cruise ships stop by in Bali this month

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III, a state-owned harbor regulator, has stated that five cruise ships have stopped by in Benoa ...

SAR team rescues mountaineer in Merapi

A joint team of rescue workers successfully evacuated 19-year-old mountaineer Jumiko Apriansyah of Yogyakarta who ...