
Collection of condoms news, found 40 news.

MUI says it against holding National Condom Week

The Indonesian Ulema Councils (MUI) Chairman KH Amidhan has said that his party disagrees with the implementation of ...

Asia Adult Expo & Intimate Lingerie Asia

- Asia Adult Expo (referred as "AAE") &Intimate Lingerie Asia (referred as "iLA") will be held at the Hong Kong ...

Manado more than 11,800 people prone to HIV/AIDS infection

Manado`s AIDS Control Agency (KPA) said more than 11,800 people in this North Sulawesi capital are prone to HIV/AIDS ...

Sex education requires creative teachers

The Education and Culture Ministry`s curriculum and books content head, Diah Harianti, has stated that teachers need ...

Government urged to restrict condoms sale

Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) deputy chairman Asrorun Ni`am Sholeh has called on the government to ...

RI racing against time to meet MDG targets by andi abdussalam - (d)

Indonesia, one of the 189 countries that declared in 2000 their commitment to achieving eight Millennium Development ...

Do not keep condoms under neon lamps

Condoms may be ruined if stored in a place using neon lamps, head of the National Population and Family Planning ...

New approach needed to stop HIV/AIDS spread in Indonesia

With four years to go before the deadline of MDGs in 2015, Indonesia is still struggling to stop or reverse the upward ...

Malaysia Probing Japan Condom Disappearance

Malaysian police said Tuesday they were investigating the disappearance of more than 700,000 ultrathin condoms which ...

700,000 ultrathin condoms disappear in transit

More than 700,000 condoms have been stolen in transit between Malaysia and Japan, a major Japanese rubber manufacturer ...