
Collection of dams news, found 459 news.

Melting snow poses new threat for western balkans

After weeks of extreme winter weather in the Western Balkans, the much anticipated rise in temperatures has posed new ...

Jakarta to spend $190 mln on controlling floods

The Jakarta administration is planning to spend US$190 million on controlling floods in the capital under the Jakarta ...

"Water Infrastructure Indonesia" To Discuss Topics in Overcoming Indonesia's Water Infrastructure Ch

-     Rudie Kusmayadi, President Director, of the Pdam Tirta Rahardja Bandung Regency highlights ...

Jakarta alerted over possible massive flooding

With the current rainy season expected to peak in January and February, Jakarta city authorities have been called ...

BPPT to modify weather for SEA Games

The Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) plans to modify weather in Palembang, South Sumatra, to secure ...

news focus: govt to rehabilitate critically degraded lakes

Hundreds of lakes or reservoirs which are vital to human life in Indonesia are now in bad or even critical condition ...

Fifteen Indonesian lakes in critical condition : Minister

Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta said there was a total of 15 lakes in different parts of Indonesia that ...

RI govt targets 5-pct growth in annual rice production

The government is targeting an annual five percent growth in rice production to achieve a surplus of 10 million tons ...

Rice fields need better infrastructures

Indonesia needs to develop its dams and irrigation to overcome desolation during droughts so that the country`s 7.5 ...

RI govt earmarks Rp1.7 trillion to overcome drought effects

The government has set aside Rp1.7 trillion to overcome the adverse effects of drought that has hit several parts of ...

Pakistan arrests senior Al-Qaeda figure: army

A senior Al-Qaeda leader believed to have been responsible for planning attacks on the United States, Europe and ...

Walhi criticizes Brazil`s plan to build Belo Mento dam

The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has called on governments all over the world to stop constructing ...

Govt pays serious attention to dams

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said the government is paying serious attention to dams and ...

State budget needs leadership

The Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture is considered as having no leadership economic politically which ...

Indonesians must eat less rice

The government must be able to reduce per capita rice consumption to 60 kg in 2030 from the current 130 kg a year to ...