
Collection of death news, found 4.967 news.

Children must be vaccinated before returning to school: epidemiologist

An epidemiologist from Sriwijaya University urged authorities in Indonesia to ensure that all children aged  6 to ...

Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital treating 2,475 COVID-19 patients

The number of COVID-19 patients being treated at the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital, Jakarta, rose by 95 to ...

Ministry urges parents of sexual violence victims to file cases

Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) Nahar has ...

COVID-19 cases increase by 850; Jakarta records most infections

Indonesia added 850 confirmed COVID-19 cases on Friday, with Jakarta accounting for 554 infections, the COVID-19 ...

BKKBN targets anemia reduction during pregnancy through Elsimil app

National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Head Hasto Wardoyo accentuated his side's commitment to ...

Rejecting death penalty not meant to protect rapist: rights body

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said its rejection of death penalty against Herry Wirawan, an ...

Job Loss Insurance latest breakthrough in social assistance

Social security employment in Indonesia is entering a new phase ahead of the start of the Job Loss Insurance (JKP) ...

Death sentence for rapist reaffirms commitment to child rights

The West Java prosecutor's decision for a death sentence for Herry Wirawan, who raped 13 female pupils in Bandung, ...

Official lauds death penalty sentence for rapist of 13 students

A House of Representatives' official lauded the prosecutor's decision to sentence to death Herry Wirawan for ...

COVID-19 cases up in past two weeks: task force

The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has shown signs of an increase in the past couple of weeks, the ...

Actress Nia Ramadhani sentenced to one-year imprisonment for drug use

Actress Ramadhania Ardiansyah Bakrie, better known as Nia Ramadhani, burst into tears after the Central Jakarta ...

More spirit dolls adopted than neglected children: KPAI

The foster parent program for neglected children has been, regrettably, less popular than the trend of adoption of ...

Prosecutors demand death sentence for Herry Wirawan

Prosecutors from the West Java Prosecutors Office demanded that Herry Wirawan, 36, be sentenced to death for the ...

Floods submerge several hundred homes in Cirebon, West Java

Floods inundated 698 houses in two villages in Cirebon District, West Java Province, according to the Regional Disaster ...

Two dead in flooding in Jember, East Java

Flooding in Jember District, East Java Province, on Sunday, claimed two lives and rendered one resident missing, ...