
Collection of dies news, found 314 news.

Ex-Jakarta governor dies

Former Jakarta governor Wiyogo Atmodarminto died at MMC Hospital here on Friday night at the age of 90, according to a ...

One more student dies after inter-school brawl in Jakarta

A student has died after a brawl between Yake Vocational High School and Kartika Zeni Vocational High School students, ...

Smoke, donkey mascot for U.S. marines in Iraq, dies in Nebraska

Smoke, the Iraqi donkey whose journey from a desert battleground to a peaceful retirement in the United States ...

"Encyclopedia Brown" author Donald Sobool, 87, dies

Donald J. Sobol, best known for his popular "Encyclopedia Brown" detective series of children`s books, has ...

Deep Purple keyboard player Jon Lord dies aged 71

Jon Lord, keyboardist and co-founder of British rock group Deep Purple, has died in a London hospital aged 71, his ...

Oscar-winning actress Celeste Holm dies, age 95

Stage and film actress Celeste Holm, who won an Oscar for her role in the 1947 movie "Gentleman`s Agreement," has ...

UN soldier dies in clashes between mutineers, DRC troops

A UN soldier from India was killed during clashes between renegade soldiers of the DR Congo and government troops on ...

Sumatran elephant dies at Riau conservation park

A Sumatran male elephant was found dead at Tesso Nilo National Conservation Park in Riau province on Thursday, the ...

At least 36 dies in bus accident in Viet Nahm

At least 36 passengers died when a bus carrying nearly 60 passengers broke the banisters of Serepok Bridge on National ...

Man dies after eating heroin hidden in underwear

A man detained at a Moscow railway station died after eating a pack of cigarettes stuffed with heroin, police said on ...

Body of energy deputy minister evacuated from Tambora mountain

The body of Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono Partowidagdo has been evacuated from the Mount ...

Former chief justice Bismar Siregar dies at 84

Former Chief Justice Bismar Siregar passed away at age 84 at noon on Thursday in Fatmawati Hospital in South Jakarta, ...

Former minister Sudomo dies

Former Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Minister Admiral (ret) Sudomo passed away at the age of ...

Egypt Coptic Pope Shenuda III dies

Head of Egypt`s Coptic Orthodox Church Pope Shenuda III died on Saturday at the age of 89, state TV reported. The ...

Antara`s senior journalist AJ Muaya dies at 78

ANTARA`s senior journalist Abraham Johanes Muaya died at the age of 78 on Wednesday at 10.45 am, due to complications ...