From Sean Connery to Daniel Craig, London wax museum Madame Tussauds is putting on display figures of the six James ...
A 21-year-old Palestinian died during an Israeli army operation in the southern West Bank before dawn on Tuesday in ...
A girl about five years old died and at least 13 undocumented refugees and migrants were missing on Saturday after a ...
An officer of Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) died when he was trying to extinguish land and forest fires ...
Governments around the world should increase taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products to save lives and generate ...
Former supreme court justice Benjamin Mangkoedilaga passed away at the age of 78 here on Thursday and will be buried ...
Zambian President Michael Sata has died in London, where he had been receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness, ...
Elizabeth Norment, the American actress best known for her role on the Netflix political series "House of Cards," has ...
Guatemalan army chief of staff Rudy Ortiz and four other military officers died Wednesday (August 20) when their ...
A NATO soldier was stabbed to death on the streets of Kabul on Wednesday (August 20), officials said, in an unusual ...
One participant of Sail Raja Ampat from Australia, Diater August Sattler (71), died in Timor Island waters of East ...
An 11-year-old child, Radika, died after she was trampled in an open-house gathering at the residence of Vice ...
A lung specialist of a general hospital in Medan, North Sumatra, said here on Tuesday that a patient at the hospital ...
Gary Becker, whose work applying the principles of economics to a wide range of human behavior won the Nobel Prize in ...
An 11-year old boy (US) died at his home in Citamiang Subdistrict, West Jawa, last February for an alleged sexual ...