
Collection of difficulty news, found 573 news.

Idul Fitri exodus sees fewer traffic accidents

The number of traffic accidents across Indonesia has decreased compared with the same time last year, despite the ...

Eid al Fitr holiday travelers start packing ferry ports

It is only five days until Indonesian Muslims observe the 2013 Eid al-Fitr festival to end the month-long Ramadan ...

Two Ambon villagers killed in landslide

At least two villagers were killed on Tuesday in landslide in the village of Batu Merah, Ambon, the Maluku regional ...

Medan`s Polonia airport will soon be history

Built and operated for some 70 years, the Polonia International Airport on the outskirt of Medan city, North Sumatra, ...

Beef import delayed due to permit matter : minister

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) has delayed to import beef this year due to the difficulty of getting permit, ...

Govt allocates Rp2 trillion to build Trans Sumatra

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Radjasa here on Thursday said the government has allocated Rp2 Trillion ...

Indonesia undaunted by China`s coal import ban

Indonesia is undaunted by a China`s plan to ban imports of low-quality coal because the country can still find other ...

Indonesia forecast to overshoot coal production target

Indonesia`s coal production is forecast to reach 400 million tons this year overshooting the target of 390 million ...

Rupiah flat at 9,712 to US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah stayed at 9,712 to the US dollar in inter-bank transaction on Monday morning. "The ...

little faith in china leader`s pollution promises

Thick grey smog pressed against Zhao Jian`s windshield, blotting visibility to two metres as he drove through China`s ...

Minimum wage increase not applicable to all industries: Ministry

The Industry Ministry`s Director General for Manufacturing-based Industry, Panggah Susanto, said that the increase of ...

Move Forward -- 2013 Alcatel Lucent Enterprise APAC Executive Partner Day

- After the European Executive Partner Day in Rome, Alcatel Lucent [http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/ ] Enterprise (ALUE) ...

Indonesia still unable to eradicate leprosy

Although Indonesia has managed to reach leprosy elimination stage, the country has not been able to completely ...

UN unable to get food to 1 million hungry Syrians

About 1 million Syrians are going hungry due to the difficulty of getting supplies into conflict zones and the fact ...

Increase in electric tariff a threat to labor intensive industries

The government plan to raise electric tariff is a threat to labor intensive industries, the Indonesian Association of ...