#disease control

Collection of disease control news, found 228 news.

To protect children, Jakarta steps up vaccination of adults

The Jakarta administration has ramped up vaccinations of adults to protect children aged under 12 who cannot be ...

Top world leaders to gather online for 18th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society forum (STS forum)

- - Meeting Set for October 2 to 5, 2021, Seeking Better Future of Humankind - The STS forum is holding its 18th ...

Putting an end to the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Scientists have predicted that the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, which peaked in Indonesia on July 15, 2021, ...

Depok vaccination program covers 783,171 people

The mass vaccination program in Depok City, West Java, has covered 783,171 people who received the first dose of ...

BI, OJK, Ministry hold vaccination for finance services employees

Bank Indonesia (BI), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and Health Ministry organized the COVID-19 second-dose ...

Coachbuilder optimistic of production demand recovering in 2021

Truck and commercial vehicles coachbuilding company PT Harapan Duta Pertiwi Tbk, listed at the Indonesian Stock ...

Epidemiologist pushes for establishment of disease control agency

Epidemiologist at the University of Indonesia (UI) Dr Pandu Riono has urged the government to establish a public health ...

Slow vaccine distribution causal to low vaccination coverage

South Sulawesi's COVID-19 Handling Task Force Head Consultant Ridwan Amiruddin attributed low vaccination coverage ...

Masks must never be removed in public places: spokesperson

The Indonesian Health Ministry's COVID-19 vaccination spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi has urged people to follow ...

Self-isolating COVID patient must keep rooms well-ventilated: official

COVID-19 patients who are self-isolating at home must regularly open windows to ventilate their rooms even if they are ...

COVID patients can measure oxygen levels without oximeter: official

COVID-19 patients experiencing shortness of breath can check their respiration rate to determine their oxygen ...

Health Ministry urged to hasten vaccine distribution across Indonesia

The Health Ministry has been urged to hasten the distribution of vaccines across Indonesia in view of the recent spike ...

Surviving the pandemic behind prison walls

Who would have thought that the insidious grasp of the coronavirus would extend beyond people with high ...

Health Ministry strengthens national strategy to tackle dengue

The Indonesian Health Ministry has said it has further strengthened the National Strategy for Dengue Management by ...

5M protocols can keep COVID-19 from spreading: researcher

Identifying asymptomatic COVID-19 patients and monitoring the spread of the virus in the environment is difficult, ...