
Collection of dividends news, found 183 news.

Indonesia's balance of payment remains solid: BI

Indonesia's Balance of Payment (BoP) in Q2/2019 maintained an external resilience, amidst less conducive global ...

Rupiah weakens on declining forex reserves

The rupiah fell against the US dollar on the Jakarta interbank market on Friday evening, as foreign exchange reserves ...

Telkom pays dividends worth Rp16.23 trillion

State telecommunication operator PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk has decided to pay out dividends worth Rp16.23 trillion for ...

Continental Enters Into Conditional Financing Arrangement for Maloy Refinery

- Continental Energy Corporation (OTCQB:CPPXF) (the "Company") today announced that it has entered into a conditional ...

Kimia Farma distributes Rp83.2 billion as dividends

Publicly-listed state pharmaceutical firm PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk has decided to distribute dividends worth Rp83,2 ...

PT Timah's net profit jumped six percent to Rp531 billion

State-owned tin mining company PT Timah recorded net profit of Rp531.35 billion in 2018, a six percent rise than the ...

Roadshow of the 2nd CIIE arrives in Indonesia

-Although the inaugural China International Import Expo (CIIE) is still outgoing from a month ago, its second edition ...

Jasa Marga posts net profit of Rp2.2 trillion last year

State toll road operator PT Jasa Marga Tbk posted a net profit of Rp2.2 trillion last year, up 16.46 percent from ...

Oil, gas holding company to boost efficiency: Minister

Indonesia`s State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno said that the establishment of state-owned oil and gas holding ...

Pertamina EP commited to securing Indonesia's energy demand

- On Monday, October 16, 2017, TOGY sat down with Nanang Abdul Manaf, Pertamina EP president-director, to discuss the ...

Current account deficit to increase in second quarter: BI

Bank Indonesia has predicted that current account deficit in the second quarter will reach two percent of Gross ...

Antam not to distribute dividends for 2016

State-owned tin mining company PT Aneka Tambang (Antam), after its shareholders general meeting (RUPS), has decided ...

PT Inalum to be parent company of mining holding company

PT Inalum has been confirmed to be the parent company of a state-owned mining holding company to be established in ...

BI advises banks to retain profit to strengthen capital

Bank Indonesia said banks need to take into account the position of their capital adequacy ratio (CAR) in paying ...

Waskita agrees to pay out 30% of 2016 net profit as dividends

The Indonesian State-owned construction company PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT) agreed to pay out Rp513 billion of its ...