#dollar as

Collection of dollar as news, found 1.997 news.

Henry Schein and Vets First Choice announce new name of the planned new company: Covetrus

- Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC) and Vets First Choice today announced that the new standalone public company that ...

Rupiah strengthens following expectation of rising interest rate of the Fed

The movement of the rupiah exchange rate traded between banks in Jakarta this afternoon rose by 62 points to Rp14,439 ...

IHSG opens higher on encouraging prospects of national economy

The Jakarts composite share price index (IHSG) opened higher on Wednesday on expectation the country`s economy would ...

Government to do impounding work at Logung dam in Kudus

The Directorate General of Water Resources at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) expressed ...

Rupiah weakens following anxiety over global economic slowdown

The rupiah exchange rate, traded among banks in Jakarta on Monday morning, weakened by 11 points to Rp14,618, from ...

Rise in benchmark interest rate to drag down growth: Economist

Bank Indonesia raising its benchmark interest rate, which is expected to continue to be aggressive, is predicted to ...

Rupiah ends weaker on Friday

The Indonesian currency rupiah ended weaker in the last trading day on Friday losing 108 points in inter-bank ...

Jakarta index opens higher, Rupiah stronger on Thursday

The Jakarta share prices rose with index up 0.4 percent to 6,140.87 points on Thursday opening trade. The index of ...

Rupiah gains over dollar on relaxation of trade war

The Indonesian currency rupiah closes stronger against the U.S. dollar in inter-bank transaction on Wednesday. The ...

Central government`s spending to reach Rp1,634 trillion

The central government`s spending is projected to reach Rp1,634.3 trillion next year, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani ...

Rupiah closes lower in value on uncertainty in trade war

The Indonesian currency rupiah lost some of its value in the closing session of inter-bank transactions on Tuesday on ...

Rupiah loses value on external factors

The Indonesian currency rupiah lost value trading at the level of 14,549 in the closing session from 14,482 per dollar ...

Indonesia, S Korea ties similar to that of a marriage: BKPM

The Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Thomas Trikasih Lembong, said that bilateral relations between ...

Credit expansion more aggressive rising 13.35 percent: OJK

Banks were more aggressive in credit expansion with disbursements growing 13.35 percent year-on-year in October this ...

Rupiah predicted to gain more strength until the end of 2018

An economist predicted that the country`s currency rupiah would still gain more strength until the end of this ...