#dollar as

Collection of dollar as news, found 1.997 news.

Rupiah gains against US dollar on Wednesday

The Indonesian currency rupiah gains against the US dollar in interbank transaction closing at the level of 12,976 ...

Jakarta index hits new record high

The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) extended gain to hit a new record high on optimism of investors with the countrys ...

advices and warnings over falling value of rupiah

Business leaders began to express frustration of the shrinking value of rupiah with sign that the worst is yet to come ...

Counterfeit US dollars found in Soekarno-Hatta Airport

The Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Banten, Indonesia, police have found 20 bundles of counterfeit US dollars in a black bag ...

President Jokowi wants economy not to depend on exports

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said he wants the Indonesian economy to not depend on exports but on sectors which ...

President Jokowi wants more concrete cooperation with Japan, China

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his hope for more concrete bilateral cooperation established between ...

Jakarta composite index closes higher on Thursday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed 0.38 percent higher on Thursday to follow the rupiah appreciation against the ...

Rupiah extends gain on Wednesday

The Indonesian currency rupiah extended gains against the US dollar closing at the level of 13,150 on Wednesday from ...

TmaxSoft is On-Track with 2017 Pursuit to Turn Korea into a Software Powerhouse

TmaxSoft, Korea's leading enterprise software company specializing in middleware, database and framework software ...

Index down, rupiah gains

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) opened lower in the first minutes of trading on Wednesday. The index of the ...

Weak rupiah momentum to boost exports; minister

Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel said the falling value of rupiah against the US dollar could be used as a good momentum ...

BI may continue to implement tight monetary policy

Bank Indonesia (BI) has indicated that it will continue to implement a tight monetary policy this year to maintain ...

Rupiah regains some of its lost value against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah regains some of its lost value against the US dollar closing at the level of 13,185 per ...

Jakarta index closes slightly higher, rupiah down in value

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed slightly higher on Monday on government pledge to prevent rupiah from diving ...

Government to roll out eight new structural reform policies

The government will issue eight new policies to settle structural problems that have come in the way of reducing the ...