#dompet dhuafa

Collection of dompet dhuafa news, found 37 news.

Al madinah`s red white domed mosque is center of excellence

A green-domed mosque is common. So is a yellow-domed mosque. Theres a blue-domed mosque (Blue Mosque) in Istanbul, ...

Indonesia needs prophetic journalism: Parni Hadi

Prophetic journalism is needed in Indonesia and other parts of the world amid the freedom of expression, which has ...

Indonesia, Palestine to make relations more substantial

The sound bilateral relations between Indonesia and Palestine will continue to strengthen and become more substantial, ...

Indonesians show solidarity with Egyptian people

Following the escalation of the political tension and the increase in the number of fatalities in Egypt, a number of ...

RI committed to helping Somalia overcome famine

The Indonesian government is committed to giving humanitarian aid to overcome Somalia`s famine problem caused by a ...

Indonesian evacuees in Sanjo need food, blankets

The Indonesian Embassy in Japan said on Sunday that Indonesian evacuees in Sanjo city, Japan, were running short of ...

Indonesian humanitarian team arrives in Yamagata, Japan

A team from the Indonesian Dompet Dhuafa Humanitarian Organization has arrived in Yamagata, one of the regions in ...