#drug smuggling

Collection of drug smuggling news, found 268 news.

BNN foils attempt to smuggle 72 kg of drugs from Malaysia

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has foiled an attempt to smuggle 72 kilograms of methamphetamine from ...

Four kilograms of crystal meth destroyed in Aceh: BNN

The Aceh National Narcotics Agency (BNN) here on Wednesday destroyed four kilograms of crystal methamphetamine that ...

Uncovered drug cases in Indonesia increase in early 2019: police

The National Police recorded an increase in the number of drug cases they uncovered in the fourth week of December ...

Artist Steve Emmanuel arrested on drug charge

West Jakarta anti drug police have arrested an artist, TV serial film performer Steve Emmanuel (35) on cocaine ...

"Bali Nine" Lawrence banned from entering Indonesia for life

Renae Lawrence, a member of "Bali Nine" drug smugglers, has been banned from re-entering the Indonesian ...

Indo defense fair strengthens industrial collaboration: minister

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has stated that the defense industry exhibition, Indo Defense Expo and ...

Two Malaysian drug smugglers arrested in Surabaya

The Indonesian police have arrested two Malaysian citizens for allegedly smuggling 1.05 kilograms of crystal ...

Indonesia fights for eradication of fisheries crime at UN

Fisheries crime not only has a dire impact on the environment but also threatens the security and economy of a ...

90 percent of drug smuggling into Indonesia via sea

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said 90 percent of drug smuggling in Indonesia is made via sea. International ...

Questioning Malaysia`s commitment to fighting drugs

Over the past two months, officers of the Indonesian police, navy, and National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have repeatedly ...

A tale of legislator in spotlight for wrong reason

This week, a member of Langkat District`s legislative body in North Sumatra Province has become a spotlight of online ...

Most illicit drugs smuggled into Indonesia come from China: Granat

Illicit drugs smuggled into Indonesia were mostly from China and several other countries, according to Hamdani ...

Drug smuggling attempt from Malaysia foiled

The Customs authorities of Nunukan, North Kalimantan have foiled an attempt to smuggle 9 kilograms of methamphetamine ...

Three ship captains test positive for drugs

The police have arrested three ship captains in the Sekupang domestic port, Batam, for testing positive for drugs on ...

Eight Taiwanese sentenced to death for drug smuggling

The South Jakarta court has sentenced eight Taiwanese to death for smuggling one ton of methamphetamine to Anyer Beach ...