#economic partnership agreement

Collection of economic partnership agreement news, found 450 news.

Australian defense minister submits defense white paper to Indonesia

Australian Defense Minister Marise Ann Payne has submitted a copy of Australias white paper on defense to the ...

Indonesia, Australia agree to reactivate IA-CEPA

Indonesia and Australia have agreed to reactivate the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ...

Indonesia to convey national interest in CEPA: Minister Marsudi

Indonesia will convey what is in its national interest in the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with ...

Indonesia, European Union to increase trade cooperation

The Indonesian government and the European Union agreed to increase cooperation in commodities trade, such as palm oil ...

Indonesia needs to be cautious about decision to join TPP

The Indonesian government has been advised to conduct a comprehensive study and increase its efficiency before taking ...

RI must improve industrial structure to join TPP: Ambassador

Indonesia should improve its industrial structure before deciding to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), so that ...

Indonesia must become efficient before joining Trans-Pacific Partnership: VP

Indonesia must become efficient in several production sectors to ready itself before joining the Trans-Pacific ...

Indonesia to expand its market in Poland

Indonesia is expanding its market share for its domestic products in the Polish market, where the two countries have ...

President Jokowi holds welcoming ceremony for Norwegian PM

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the Royal of Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg in a state ...

Indonesia, Japan review economic partnership agreement

The Indonesian and Japanese governments agreed to review the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJ-EPA) ...

Indonesia, Japan agree to review IJEPA

Indonesia and Japan have agreed to review the continuation of their economic cooperation outlined in the framework of ...

Jokowi asked to review international economic agreements

An economist asks President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to review all agreements on economic cooperation with other countries ...

RI, US partnership deepens both countries` ties: US envoy

US Ambassador to Indonesia Robert O. Blake said the economic partnership agreement between the United States and ...

Indonesia, EU enter new era of closer relations

After a long process, the European Union (EU) and Indonesian Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) finally came ...

Indonesia, Chile`s trade ministers discuss food import, economic agreements

Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan met Chile`s Vice Minister of Trade Alvaro Jana on Monday to discuss the ...