
Collection of economist news, found 875 news.

East Asia/Pacific Tops Trade Pillar in DHL Connectedness Report

- The second DHL Global Connectedness Index (GCI) has revealed that the world is less globally connected than it was in ...

Govt unlikely to raise fuel oil prices next year

Even though subsidized fuel oils are often labeled as off-target, as more fuel is used not by the rightful consumers, ...

RI predicted to experience lower economic growth in 2013

Prof Elfindri, an economist of the Andalas University, said Indonesia`s economic growth in 2013 was predicted to be ...

Labour strikes affect economic growth: Economist

Indonesia is expecting economic growth of 6.8 percent next year, but it will be difficult to reach the target because ...

Indonesian economy growth expected to remain strong in Q4

The Indonesian economy grew at a slower pace in the third quarter than in the previous quarter, but the growth is ...

SMEs in bali should offer competitive prices: economist - (d)

According to Prof DR Wayan Ramantha, an economist from Bali`s Udayana University, entrepreneurs running small and ...

Global Paper and Board Production at Record Levels

- Positive growth in Asia, Latin America, Oceania and the Middle East allowed global paper and board production to ...

The Outcome of The 17th Meeting International is Positive for Trade Relationship Between Brazil and

-The topic of the 17th Meeting International held on October 10 through 13 in Punta Mita, Mexico was "The Challenges of ...

Global Pulpwood Markets continued shift toward developing regions expected to keep prices down

- Over the next ten years, consumption of pulpwood is expected to continue its shift from North America and Western ...

Indonesia`s trade ministry to study database management under Stuned scholarship

Sixteen staff members of the Indonesian Trade Ministry will study online data base management for public information ...

Creative industry can support ri`s economy: Minister

The creative industry has the potential to support Indonesia`s economy, according to Tourism and Creative Economy ...

ADB cuts 2012 growth forecast for Indonesia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has cut its economic growth forecast for Indonesia from 6.4 percent to 6.3 percent ...

FOREX CLUB: Kazakhstan's Economy Expected to Grow by 6% in 2013

-             - The rate of inflation is expected to hit 7% by ...

100 mln to die by 2030 if world fails to act on climate

More than 100 million people will die and global economic growth will be cut by 3.2 percent of gross domestic product ...

Antam`s gold price up

The price of gold of state mining company PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) has been growing as the public believe it is ...