
Collection of exodus news, found 982 news.

News Focus

Indonesia strongly opposes Israeli annexation plan of West Bank

Israel’s lust for more Arab land seems endless. They have occupied and colonized most of Palestinian land and ...

House deputy speaker ushers in Idul Fitri celebrations at home

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Azis Syamsuddin extended Idul Fitri greetings on Sunday though ...

Jokowi to not hold open house to stem COVID-19 spread

The State Palace authority confirmed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana will not hold an open ...

WTR forecasts significant drop in traffic volume before Idul Fitri

Indonesia's toll road operator PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) has projected a major decline in toll road traffic volume ...

Baswedan expects "new normal" in Jakarta following PSBB third round

Governor of Jakarta Anies Bawesdan projects normalcy to be restored in the capital and local residents resuming ...

News Focus

Staying apart may bring us closer to flattening COVID-19 curve

The coronavirus pandemic is changing how Idul Fitri festivities take place in Indonesia this year, with the rising ...

NU, Muhammadiyah promote massive hand washing facility program

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, the largest Muslim organizations in Indonesia, are currently promoting a hand ...

Undip provides "rice ATM" for students unable to return home

Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) has provided a "rice ATM" -- an automated machine dispensing rice -- for its ...

Large-scale social distancing in W Java yields positive outcome

Evaluation of a week long implementation of large-scale social distancing (PSBB) in West Java reaped a positive ...

Police find truck carrying homeward travelers despite ban

Police have again found a number of trucks carrying homeward travelers from Jakarta and its environs despite a ...

Police intensify patrol to preserve public order amid pandemic

Police have intensified security patrols to preserve peace and order following the implementation of large-scale social ...

Government restricts leave of civil servants amid pandemic

The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform has limited the grant of leave permits for state ...

Task force projects normalcy in July after social restrictions end

Indonesia's Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Response expects public activities to normalize in July ...

463 vehicles headed for Central Java forced to turn back

As many as 463 vehicles were forced to turn back in the past two days, as the Central Java Police blocked the entry to ...

Weekend Stories

Impact of COVID-19 on the tradition of 'mudik' in Indonesia

For Indonesians, the festivities in the month of Ramadhan are marked by a number of traditions, one of which is ...