
Collection of factory news, found 1.278 news.

Infrastructure, work ethics key to beat competition: President

President Joko Widodo highlighted the importance of infrastructure and work ethics in the current era on Friday, ...

XCMG apprentice program welcomes apprentices from five continents for one-week visit

- Global construction and mining equipment manufacturer XCMG is hosting five international apprentices for a ...

Neusoft releases NeuSight PET/CT for global markets

- Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd. ("Neusoft Medical Systems") officially launched the NeuSight PET/CT for global ...

Companies granted faster customs service

The government granted 24 large investing companies the facility of faster customs service without physical ...

Honeywell acquires remaining 30 percent interest in UOP Russell LLC

- Honeywell (NYSE: HON)announced that it has acquired the remaining 30 percent stake in UOP Russell LLC, which ...

Kimia Farma plans to rustle up capex worth Rp1 trillion

PT Kimia Farma has formulated plans to rustle up Rp1 trillion as capital expenditure to enhance its performance and ...

President indicates railway construction to start this year in Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government will likely start construction of railway track in Papua from ...

Indonesia`s biggest sago factory begins operations in Papua

Indonesias state-owned forestry company PT Perhutani has set up the biggest sago factory in the country in Kais, West ...

President Joko Widodo arrives in Papua

President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana arrived at Mopah airport in Merauke, Papua on Tuesday evening to visit ...

Implementation of ASEAN economic community draws closer

Didit Saputra (22), a street vendor in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, has never heard of the ASEAN Economic Community ...

Board investment recommends green lane facility for 48 firms

The Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has recommended that 48 companies be granted the green light facility ...

Philippine Delegation Oversees Production of Vote Counting Machines in Taiwan

- A delegation of Comelec representatives, lawmakers and election watchdogs visited Taiwan this week to personally ...

N. Sumatra`s rubber production predicted to decline

North Sumatras production of natural rubber is predicted to decline to around 450,000 tons this year from 465,000 tons ...

Semen Indonesia to increase production in 2016

State-owned cement producer PT Semen Indonesia has set a target to increase its production capacity to 30 million tons ...

National Instruments Holds NI Technical Symposium 2015 in Indonesia

- National Instruments (Nasdaq: NATI), the provider of solutions that enable engineers and scientists to solve the ...