
Collection of fall news, found 2.130 news.

Cachet Hotel Group to Launch Its Flagship Brand in the Americas with First Resort Property, Cachet Corazon, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

- CACHET Hotel Group (CHG) today announced the debut of its first resort development, Cachet Corazon, in Cabo San ...

President receives KPPU to discuss food cartel eradication

President Joko Widodo received the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) here on Friday to discuss a way ...

WFD attacks shrimp farms in Kulon Progo

The Maritime, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry office of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, said white feces disease (WFD) has ...

Grundfos: Partnership heating up

Japanese boiler manufacturer, Miura, and Grundfos have entered into a global framework agreement. This makes it easier ...

Learn preventive measures to counter haze impacts: Indonesia minister

Health Minister Nila Djuwita Anfasa Moeloek has called on the public to learn preventive measures against the impacts ...

Animals Also Victims of Forest Fires

The hazardous haze emanating from the ongoing forest and plantation fires has led to 10 deaths, left 503 thousand ...

PLN suffers a net loss of Rp27.4 trillion in 3rd quarter

The National power utility company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) suffered a net loss of Rp27.4 trillion in the ...

Govt urged to end licenses for peatland exploitation

Forest and peatland fires have protracted over the past several months and triggered widespread haze in the country ...

Inalum to issue US$400 million bond to build new power plant

State-owned aluminum smelter PT Inalum plans to issue bonds valued at US$400 million in 2017 to raise fund to finance ...

Provinces must fulfil workers' decent living cost criteria

For Indonesian workers and employers, the governments announcement of its fourth economic policy package brought good ...

No need for Indonesian workers to stage salary hike rallies anymore

A salary hike is one of the demands raised by workers at almost all rallies as many of them earn less than minimum ...

Govt to apply three policies to improve workers` welfare

The Indonesian government will apply three policies, including a new formula to ensure periodic salary hikes to ...

Workers need not stage rallies anymore: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has stated that workers should no longer resort to staging rallies to demand salary hikes ...

Indonesia posts increase in trade surplus on shrinking imports

Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of US$1.02 billion in September despite a decline in exports. The surplus was ...

world took step towards greener gdp in 2014; more needed - pwc - (d)

Governments took a step towards greener economic growth in 2014 but will need to do far more to limit rising ...