
Collection of finish news, found 866 news.

Safety committee begins investigating ferry fire

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has begun an investigation into Friday morning`s KMP Laut Teduh ...

UK Government and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Announce New Commitment to Eradicating Polio

- Citing dramatic gains achieved with polio vaccines, Prime Minister David Cameron, Bill and Melinda Gates call on ...

Time running out for tackling climate change : UN chief

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed that the world is running out of time in tackling the ...

Gas conversion program expected to save Rp35.34 trillion

The government has set itself a target of saving up to Rp35.34 trillion net from its kerosene-to-gas conversion ...

Anti-graft body vows to settle Gayus`s tax mafia case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has vowed to settle this year the tax mafia case involving former taxman ...

"Sail Wakatobi-belitong 2011" To Expose Ri`s Other Paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

BI: year-end forex reserves 112.6 billion dollars

Bank Indonesia said direct capital investment may play a bigger role in capital inflow, so that total balance payments ...

Sail Wakatobi-Belitong 2011 to expose RI`s other paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

Made in China porcelain for British royal wedding

A Chinese porcelain manufacturing company has won the order to make the official tableware to be used at the British ...

Ukp4 to Submit Evaluation Reports Tomorrow

The UKP4 plans to submit its evaluation reports on ministries and institutions to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ...

RI`s chance to Address rights issues in ASEAN

In its position as ASEAN chairman for 2011, Indonesia will have valuable chance to give special attention to and take ...