
Collection of fluctuation news, found 139 news.

Jakarta index extends gain , rupiah on the decline

The Jakarta composite share price index opened higher on Thursday on positive domestic sentiment, analysts said. ...

BI estimates rupiah`s movement will not be sharp

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo has estimated that the movement of the rupiah against the US dollar ...

President, BI governor discuss government policy

President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo and Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo met here on Tuesday to discuss the ...

BI says current rupiah depreciation at normal level

Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara said here on Friday that the current depreciation of the ...

Jakarta composite index closes lower

Economic slowdown in Europe resulted in the Jakarta composite index closing lower on Friday, analysts said. The ...

Indonesia convinced to meet oil lifting target

Indonesian oil officials are optimistic that the government will meet its oil lifting target this year, although it ...

Jakarta share prices up, rupiah down in value

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) closed higher on expectation that the countrys economic condition would improve. ...

Indonesia to issue eurobonds

The government is preparing eurobond to be issued in the first half of the year, an official of the finance ministry ...

Dahlan Iskan tight-lipped over Pertamina`s planned acquisition of PGN

State Enterprise Minister Dahlan Iskan chose not to make any comments on the state-owned oil and gas company, ...

Rupiah closes lower in value against the US dollar

The rupiah closed lower in value against the US dollar on Monday ahead of the announcement of the Fed tapering its ...

Will Pertamina benefit from its acquisition of PGN?

State-owned oil and gas company Pertaminas plan to acquire state gas distributor firm PGN is under government ...

PGN acquisition will burden Pertamina: Observer

Energy Observer of the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) Fahmy Radhi said acquisition of state gas distributor firm PGN ...

Floods in Indonesia ecological disaster: Kambuaya

Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya stated that the flooding that has taken place in most parts of Indonesia was ...

Canton Fair: An Optimistic Outlook

- While commerce and attendance figures for both Canton Fairs in 2013 were generally stable compared to the previous ...

Rupiah strengthens at Rp11,575 on Wednesday morning

The Indonesian rupiah currency strengthened at Rp11,575 per dollar on Wednesday morning following a report that the US ...