#foreign investment up

Collection of foreign investment up news, found 705 news.

New investment coordinating board head to play key role

The new chief of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) will play an all- important role in attracting foreign ...

Indonesia cuts balance of payments deficit

Bank Indonesia said the country succeeded in cutting its balance of payment deficit to US$2.5 billion in the second ...

Govt trapped by imports

The Indonesian government has become trapped by its dependence on imports, as inflation in July 2013 reached 3.29 ...

Govt urged to engage Papua community in implementing policy

The central government and the parliament should actively engage every community elements in Papua and West Papua ...

Investment up 30 percent in first semester: Investment agency

The Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board, Chatib Basri, said total investment in various projects in ...

Second congress of Indonesia diaspora to urge dual nationality

Indonesia Diaspora will set up a task force in its Second Congress on August 18 - 20 to urge the government and the ...

Four global economic issues have impact on Indonesia

The Asia-Pacific region that covers Indonesia has at least four global economic issues that have an impact on ...

Indonesia postpones plan to open promotion centers in three countries

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has decided to postpone a plan to set up three out of four Indonesia ...

Economic grwoth target to remain at 6.2 pct

Finance Minister Chatib Basri assured that the economic growth target set by the government in the 2013 Revised State ...

Indonesia`s capital market strong: Securities company director

Indonesia`s capital market is still strong enough to hold back negative external sentiments and therefore foreign ...

Indonesia to have economic growth at 6.4-6.9 percent in 2014

Finance Minister Chatib Basri predicted Indonesia will have an economic growth at the level of 6.4-6.9 percent in ...

Downstream industrial strategy needs improvement

Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) has opined that the downstream industrial strategy of the government to face ASEAN ...

"An offer you can`t refuse": Perbanas

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Bankers (Perbanas) Sigit Pramono described foreign investment in small banks ...

Indonesia economy remains strong

The international rating agency Standard and Poor`s (S&P) has recently downgraded its ratings outlook on ...

Economic growth expected to slow down: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the national economy in the second quarter of 2013 will grow at a slower pace ...