#former agriculture minister

Collection of former agriculture minister news, found 21 news.

Jokowi allows media to follow his meeting with former minister Limpo

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said his scheduled meeting with former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin ...

Indonesia, Fiji discuss agriculture, marine cooperation

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and her Fiji counterpart, Inia Batikoto Seruiratu, discuss cooperation in agriculture ...

News focus - Government needs to ensure enough rice stocks by Andi Abdussalam

The government needs to take anticipatory steps in case of a possible scarcity of rice stocks ahead of the Christmas ...

Government should ensure supply of medium-quality rice: House Speaker

Speaker of the House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo has called on the government to ensure adequate supply of ...

Indonesians must eat less rice

The government must be able to reduce per capita rice consumption to 60 kg in 2030 from the current 130 kg a year to ...

Syrian president reshuffles cabinet

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reshuffled the cabinet Thursday, aiming to improve the government` s performance ...