#fuel subsidy

Collection of fuel subsidy news, found 258 news.

Pertamina: premium gasoline consumption in Java, Bali to fall 30 percent

State oil and gas firm Pertamina predicts the government`s policy to limit the use of subsidized fuels as of April 1 ...

Gov't to obtain rp40 trillion from subsidized fuel consumption cut

The government will obtain Rp40 trillion in additional funds a year from the implementation of the subsidized fuel ...

Consumption control best option to reduce fuel subsidy: President

The government is weighing the right volume of fuel consumption to reduce the subsidy burden in the national budget. ...

Lawmaker urges govt to evaluate fuel subsidy system

A member of the House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII, Satya W Yudha, has urged the government to evaluate ...

Lawmaker urges govt to evaluate fuel subsidy system

A member of the House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII, Satya W Yudha, has urged the government to evaluate ...

Pertamina to invest rp359 trillion in upstream sector

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina is ready to invest Rp359 trillion mostly for upstream sector ...

No need for MUI advice regarding fuels

A regional legislator said that there was no need for the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to issue `halal` or `haram` ...

House agrees to set subsidized fuel quota at 38.4 to 41 M Kl

The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII on energy has agreed to set the quota for subsidized fuel oil in ...

Govt hard put to maintain subsidized fuel quota

The government is struggling to maintain its subsidized fuel oil quota at 38.6 million kiloliters this year amid signs ...

Govt hard put to maintain subsidized fuel quota

The government is struggling to maintain its subsidized fuel oil quota at 38.6 million kiloliters this year amid signs ...

Surging fuel subsidy may put state budget under pressure

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said subsidized fuel consumption which exceeds the quota in ...

Govt urged to maintain fuel subsidies

The government should continue to provide fuel subsidies despite rising global crude prices in recent months, a former ...

Finance minister wants subsidized gasoline scrapped

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said he wants subsidized premium gasoline scrapped because it adds to subsidy ...

Energy minister: low-income group still needs subsidies

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Darwin Saleh said although the government would eventually stop subsidizing fuel ...

Govt to proceed with subsidized fuel cut plan

The government will proceed with its plan to limit the use of subsidized fuels but still has to wait for proper time ...