#halal certificates

Collection of halal certificates news, found 83 news.

Taiwan offers halal tourism to Indonesians

Taiwan, with more than 200 hotels and restaurants on the island having received halal certificates from local ...

Jakarta eager to become halal tourism destination

Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is eager to develop itself into a halal tourism destination, which is not only ...

Indonesia continues to promote its tourism potential

The government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is ready and will continue to market and promote ...

Increasing halal certification in West Nusa Tenggara

The province of West Nusa Tenggara is among several Indonesian regions that can become an icon of halal tourism but ...

Lombok as best halal tourist destination set to intensify promotion

Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, has been recognized as the Best Halal Tourist Destination and the Best ...

Seeking closer ties between Ningxia and Indonesia

Located in northwest China and crossed by the Yellow River, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the home of China`s ...

RI envoy opens halal food confab in Brussels

Indonesian Ambassador to Brussels Arif Havas Oegroseno has opened the 5th International Halal Food Conference at ...

Fourteen countries attending halal food council`s meeting

Twenty-four leaders of international halal certification institutes in 14 countries are taking part in the annual ...