
Collection of harvest news, found 924 news.

Rice management key to mitigating food crisis: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said rice management is key to anticipating and mitigating any food crisis in wake ...

Surplus rice production predicted in South Kalimantan

South Kalimantan Province is expected to record up to 160,000 tons of surplus rice in August, 2020, so residents need ...

Government ensures adequate food stocks until next 3-4 months

The government has made assurance of food stocks sufficing until the subsequent three to four months, Head of the Task ...

Reprimand regions closing off roads: President tells Home Minister

President Joko Widodo on Thursday urged Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian to admonish heads of those regions that ...

Government ensures availability of food commodities for Ramadhan

The government has ensured the availability of 11 food commodities by securing its supply, distribution, and price ...

Minister Thohir ensures rice stocks to suffice until Eid al-Fitr

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir has ensured that the stocks of rice are safe to fulfill the demand ...

Bulog suggests sugar imports to stabilize domestic prices

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) has put forth a proposal to import 200 thousand tons of refined crystal white sugar ...

Torrential rains trigger flooding in Pekalongan, Central Java

Flooding shortly ensued heavy rains, coupled with strong winds and thundering, which inundated residential areas and a ...

Fishermen conduct ocean cleanup to facilitate healthy crab harvesting

Central Java’s crab fishermen group recently conducted an ocean cleanup by removing three tons of plastic waste ...

BPPT. BMKG to develop artificial intelligence-based WMT

The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) has signed an agreement with the Meteorology, ...

News Feature

A closer look at Dayak Meratus' thanksgiving ritual

Two "balian" or shamans of Dayak Meratus tribe circled a tree-like ornament, bare feet shuffling on ...

News Feature

Ensuring coffee sustainability in Lampung

Some 90 high school students, male and female, seated separately across from each other, were listening attentively to ...

The 2019 Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival and the first China Meizhou International Elite Summit of tea industry held in Meizhou, Guangdong

-On September 23, China celebrates not just the autumnal equinox, the 16th of China's 24 solar terms, but also its ...

Special Report

Balinese girls possessed by Goddesses on mission to salvage traditions

Seven chosen young girls walked to a temple, with no permitted lights except for moonbeams and white smoke emanating ...

Goji berry industry in China's Tsaidam Basin likely to warm up

-Recently, the second Qaidam Se-enriched and Organic goji Forum was grandly opened in Delingha, Haixi Mongolian Tibetan ...