
Collection of hiv news, found 336 news.

Balinese musician to hold HIV/AIDS music parade

Balinese musician Kadek Ayu Sri Handayani will hold a charity music parade to assist in combating HIV/AIDS in the ...

HIV/AIDS spreading in Indonesia at worrying rate: official

The rate at which HIV/AIDS is spreading in Indonesia is becoming increasingly worrying and needs to be reversed ...

Islamic approach to tackle AIDS in Indonesia

World Vision Indonesia (WVI) launched the "Channel of Hope" (COH) with an Islamic context in response to HIV and ...

Australia congratulates Indonesia`s first street football tournament

The Australian Embassy congratulated on Tuesday the League of Change, Indonesia`s first national street football ...

Jayapura administration obliges circumcision

The Jayapura administration of Papua will oblige circumcision for the society to reduce the transmission of ...

Australia supports RI focus on achieving MDGs

With three years until the world needs to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Indonesian Government, ...

Forty-four children in E Nusa Tenggara HIV/AIDS positive

Forty-four children under five years old in East Nusa Tenggara province have tested positive for HIV/AIDS, a doctor ...

Some 130 HIV/AIDS sufferers die in Sukabumi

The National HIV/AIDS Commission (KPA) of Sukabumi has since 2000 recorded some 400 HIV/AIDS sufferers in the city of ...

USAID cooperating with YCTP to control HIV/AIDS in Mimika

The United States Agency for International Cooperation (USAID) is cooperating with the Yayasan Caritas Timika Papua ...

Eighteen Jayapura toddlers infected with HIV/AIDS

The National AIDS Commission (NAC) reported that 18 toddlers in Jayapura regency, Papua are HIV/AIDS positive during ...

Papua hospital requires all patients to undergoHIV/AIDS test

Yowari General Hospital in Jayapura district requires all its patients to undergo a HIV/AIDS test, the hospital`s ...

Papua's HIV/AIDS infected consumes ARV regularly

A total of 2,180 people infected with HIV / AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in ...

HIV/AIDS feared to remain major threat in 2012

During the past several years since the first case of AIDS/HIV was reported in Indonesia in 1987, people have been ...

Winning bloggers awarded for helping raise HIV/AIDSs awareness

The 10 winners from the blogging competition organized by the Australian Government aid program (AusAID), National ...

The Freeport Case, government's lost conscience

The Political and security situation in Papua is still heating up, beginning with the repeated shootings spree at ...