
Collection of honor news, found 1.173 news.

Papua military confiscate 28 weapons from separatists

The Indonesian Military has seized 28 weapons from a separatist group during the period between January and April ...

Afghan Soldier's Dreams Launch Reel Life for 'The Janus Project' Global Titan Movie Thriller

- Nathan Nearman, Counter Intelligence Officer and Afghanistan Veteran, racks up years of dedicated military service ...

President Yudhoyono holds bilateral talks with Palestinian premier

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held bilateral talks with Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah at the Merdeka ...

Interfaith Movement Leader Dena Merriam to Receive 31st Niwano Peace Prize

-The Niwano Peace Foundation will award the 31st Niwano Peace Prize to Ms. Dena Merriam, founder and leader of the ...

Netherlands Awards "Prins Hendrik" honorary medal to Indonesian Navy

The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNN) awarded "Prins Hendrik" Medal of Honor to the Indonesian Navy as a mark of ...

Indonesia, Jordan agree conflicts in Syria must be settled politically

Indonesia and Jordan shared the view that a political solution must be found to settle conflicts in Syria to prevent ...

President Yudhoyono awarded traditional title of Luwu Kingdom

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and First lady Ani Yudhoyono were bestowed traditional titles from the 40th King of ...

Ignore Singapore protest about KRI name: Assembly

Vice Chairman of the Peoples Consultative Assembly Hajriyanto Y Tohari stated that Indonesia does not have to ...

Indonesia follows its own criteria for naming naval ships

Indonesia follows its own criteria, rules, procedures, and regulations in declaring a person as a hero or in naming ...

Empire State Realty Trust To Celebrate The Chinese Lunar New Year With Special Empire State Building Tower Lighting And

- Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ESRT) today announced the Empire State Building's plans to honor the Chinese ...

Bayat Media Center Inauguration Celebrates New National Legacy For Afghanistan's Communication, Community, and Technolog

- Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and Ariana Television & Radio Network's (ATN) Chief Executive Officer ...

Anas facing KPK investigators without lawyer

Former general chairman of the ruling Democratic Party Anas Urbaningrum, appeared at the Corruption Eradication ...

President Yudhoyono rejects general of the army award

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono rejected the Five Star General of The Army Award announced by Commander-in-Chief of ...

International Recognition Brings Babad Diponegoro Into Spotlight

Indonesia is proud that Babad Diponegoro has been included in the Memory of the World Register by the United Nations ...

US embassy, KPK celebrate first anti-corruption film festival ceremony

Charge dAffaires of the US Embassy in Jakarta Kristen Bauer and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have ...