#human rights council

Collection of human rights council news, found 130 news.

Banish Australian diplomats from Indonesia: Analyst

The Indonesian government should protest against the Australian government by expelling their diplomats related to the ...

Amnesty International highlights deteriorating human rights situation in Saudi Arabia

Amnesty International has accused Saudi Arabia of failing to live up to all promises to address the dire human rights ...

UN appeals for more action to protect conflict-affected children

A senior UN official said on Tuesday (Sept. 9) that strengthened collective actions are in urgent need to respond to ...

President Yudhoyono discusses Egypt with Malaysian premier

After holding talks with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak about the current crisis in Egypt on Friday, President ...

UN expert ends Indonesian visit with recommendations on adequate housing

United Nations Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik ended her visit to Indonesia with some recommendations after ...

Indonesia increasingly contributing to human rights cause: UN

The United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay has stated that Indonesia has been ...

Human Rights Council backs Internet freedom

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva passed its first resolution on Internet freedom on Thursday with a call ...

Sri lanka offers information on war detainees

Sri Lankan authorities released information for the first time on Sunday about thousands of people held under ...

Sri Lanka should punish civil war crimes - UN forum

Sri Lanka should ensure government troops who committed war crimes during the final stages of its war against Tamil ...

Sri Lanka denies new video on war crimes

Sri Lanka Thursday rejected as "baseless and unacceptable" a new documentary by Britain`s Channel 4 suggesting the ...

Sri Lanka to resist US war crimes resolution

Sri Lanka on Thursday dismissed as "ill-timed and ill-conceived" a US move at the UN Human Rights Council to censure ...

2,000 Tamils stage protest at UN in Geneva

Thousands of Tamils from across Europe protested in front of UN headquarters in Geneva Monday demanding the creation ...

US judge dismisses Sri Lanka President abuse suit

A US judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse alleging he was responsible for ...

Sri Lankans protest US move over `war crimes`

Tens of thousands of ruling party supporters led by cabinet ministers staged demonstrations across Sri Lanka Monday to ...

UN rights council hope for positive Syrian response on aid

The head of the United Nations Human Rights Council said Monday she hoped for a "positive response" from Syria to ...