
Collection of impression news, found 345 news.

House denies intervening in anti-graft body`s business

The House of Representatives (DPR) denied it had intervened in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in ...

ASEAN's Economic ties with China Reduces Possibilities of Military Conflicts

-     The economic relation between China and the ASEAN is very close despite the territorial ...

Taiwan arms package value said to near $6 bln

The Obama administration plans to supply Taiwan new arms and sophisticated radar gear for its existing F-16 fighter ...

Senior soccer team should be thoroughly evaluated

A thorough evaluation is badly needed by the Indonesian senior soccer team after suffering a painful 0-2 defeat to ...

Chaves says Venezuela embassy sacked in Tripoli

Venezuela`s President Hugo Chavez charged Wednesday that the Venezuelan embassy in Tripoli was "assaulted and totally ...

People question Nazaruddin`s repatriation expenses

Various quarters, including lawmakers and activists, are questioning the expenses amounting to Rp4 billion the ...

Tourists evacuated as colosseum hit by bomb scare

A fake bomb caused police to evacuate hundreds of tourists on Sunday from the Colosseum, Rome`s most famous monument. ...

Pakistan`s first woman foreign minister sworn in

Pakistan`s first woman foreign minister -- and also its youngest -- was sworn in on Tuesday, ending a five-month job ...

Nazaruddin`s escape proof of multiple failures : DPD

The escape of corruption suspect M Nazaruddin before his travel ban was issued is proof of multiple failures that ...

Coffee helping to conserve Aceh`s environment

On a sunny afternoon at a coffee shop in Banda Aceh city, Aceh province, four men were engrossed in a lively ...

Coffin packages send Jakarta media into frenzy

Many Jakarta news organizations on Monday morning received an anonymous package containing a one-meter-long coffin ...

Judicial Commission commends Supreme Court`s plan to fire a corrupt judge

The Judicial Commission (KY) which oversees the conduct of court judges lauds and appreciates the Supreme Court (MA)`s ...

Greenomics questions moratorium map`s accuracy

Greenomics Indonesia has questioned the accuracy of the Indicative Map attached in the Presidential Instruction No. ...

Democrat Party`s punishment of Nazaruddin insignificant

The decision of the ruling Democrat Party (PD) to fire Muhammad Nazaruddin from his post as the party`s treasurer is ...

Subsidy must meet target: Official

A finance ministerial official said that energy subsidy must be provided to those who really needed so that it could ...