#indonesia trade

Collection of indonesia trade news, found 140 news.

Trade surplus reported in August 2019: BI

Indonesia's trade balance recorded a US$0.09 billion surplus in August 2019, reversing the previous $0.06 billion ...

Indonesia, EU strengthen economic cooperation through ARISE Plus

Indonesia and the European Union have strengthened economic cooperation through the ASEAN Regional Integration ...

Marsudi puts spotlight on economic cooperation at bilateral meetings

Economic cooperation and regional development featured heavily in discussions during bilateral meetings between ...

Indonesian Embassy invites Chinese businessmen to Trade Expo

The Indonesian Embassy in Beijing has invited Chinese businessmen to visit the 34th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) to be ...

India agrees to reduce export tariff on Indonesian palm oil

India has agreed to a 5 percent reduction in the export duty for Indonesian refined, bleached, and deodorized palm oil ...

IK-CEPA can raise Indonesia-S Korea trade to US$30 billion in 2022

Minister of the South Korean Embassy in Jakarta Jeon Joyoung believed that the Indonesia-Korea Comprehensive Economic ...

China vows to meet Indonesia's request to narrow trade deficit

The Chinese government has vowed to meet Indonesia's request to narrow its trade deficit with China, Indonesian ...

News Focus

Connecting goods and people of Pacific, Southeast Asia

The first ever Pacific Exposition highlighting the region’s business, investment, and tourism potential began in ...

Indonesia strives for export diversification in Pacific countries

Indonesia's Trade Ministry is working towards expanding the export market to Pacific countries by dispatching a ...

Indonesia firms opposes palm oil discrimination in the EU

Indonesia's delegation and other Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) members have steadfastly and ...

Indonesia records us$41.16 billion trade deficit in January

Indonesia recorded a trade deficit of US$1.16 billion in January 2019, up from $1.03 billion in December 2018, ...

Foreign Ministry follows up on report of Indonesian students forced to work in Taiwan

The Foreign Ministry plans to follow up on a report of Indonesian students forced to work at a number of factories in ...

Indonesia`s trade balance records highest deficit in November

Indonesia`s trade balance in November suffered the highest deficit of US$2.05 billion throughout 2018, Chief of the ...

Indonesia`s trade balance records US$1.82 billion deficit: BI

Executive Director of the Bank Indonesia (BI) Communication Department Agusman said that Indonesia`s trade balance ...

Trade ministry optimistic of achieving TEI transaction target

The Trade Ministry expressed its optimism of realizing the target of US$1.5 billion in total transactions during the ...