#indonesian art

Collection of indonesian art news, found 56 news.

Promotion of Indonesian coffee, traditional beverages in Madrid draws visitors

Coffee and traditional Indonesian drinks -- wedang ginger, sour turmeric, and jakencruk -- formulated by mixology at ...

150 Entrepreneurs from Indonesia, Slovakia discuss cooperation

A total of 150 entrepreneurs from Indonesia and Slovakia have communicated to discuss mutually beneficial cooperation ...

Indonesian designer creations enliven reception in Istanbul

A fashion show featuring creations of Indonesian designer Ghea Panggabean enlivened the diplomatic reception held by ...

Colombian importers acknowledge quality of Indonesian products

Colombian importers acknowledged the good quality of Indonesian products as they conveyed during a seminar in Medellin ...

Indonesian arts club launched in Sydney

The Indonesian Arts and Cultural Club (IACC) was launched in Sydney, Australia, July 1, in which 30 guests ...

President releases arrow at bali art parade

President Joko Widodo will release an arrow to mark the opening of the 40th Bali Arts Parade (PKB) in front of the ...

Akio Fujimoto's "Passage of Life" wins "The Spirit of Asia Award by The Japan Foundation Asia Center" at 30th Tokyo International Film Festival

-At the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) Closing Ceremony on November 3, "Passage of Life," directed by ...

Akio Fujimoto's "Passage of Life" wins "The Spirit of Asia Award by The Japan Foundation Asia Center" at 30th Tokyo International Film Festival

At the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) Closing Ceremony on November 3, "Passage of Life," directed by ...

Indonesian cultural performances enliven ASEAN Anniversary in Beijing

Indonesia got an opportunity to demonstrate its rich arts and culture during the 50th anniversary of the Association ...

Indonesia to promote cultural diplomacy at Europalia Festival

Indonesia will conduct cultural diplomacy at Europalia, Europes largest art and cultural festival to be held from ...

KRI Bung Tomo draws attention of civilians, military personnel

Indonesian Naval Warship (KRI) Bung Tomo 357 on peacekeeping missions in the Lebanon Sea has drawn the attention of ...

History of Run Island to be presented in play

The history of Run, a small postcolonial island in Banda Sea swapped by the British for another piece of North ...

Indonesia wins cultural award at Intl Folklore Festival

Indonesia has won the Cultural Minister Award at the 11th Sabah International Folklore Festival (SIFF) held in ...

Art industry concerned over increase in circulation of fake paintings

Indonesian painters and art enthusiasts are concerned about the rise in circulation of fake paintings by scam artists ...

Indonesia`s export products to be exhibited in Osaka

Indonesian products will be exhibited in Osaka, Japan, in March 2016 to increase the amount of goods exported to ...