#indonesian chamber

Collection of indonesian chamber news, found 806 news.

Indonesia must remain independent to face free market

Indonesia should remain independent in the face of the expanding free market, particularly after the implementation of ...

Chamber expects local government to adopt pro-business policies

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has expressed hope that the local government can implement ...

Kadin: Lack of confidence triggers economic crisis

Lack of confidence of business players and investors in the government policy was behind the crisis in the exchange ...

Indonesian president leaves for H-20 Summit

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has left for the G-20 Summit in St Petersburg, Russia, which will be ...

RI-Poland trade can cross US$500 million: President Yudhoyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has stated that trade between Indonesia and Poland can easily exceed US$500 million ...

RI`s President Yudhoyono commences working visit in Poland

RI`s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kicked off his working visit at a meeting with Polish President Bronislaw ...

Indonesian govt economic policies package should give real results

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) expects the government`s economic policies package to repair ...

RI to cut oil import, promote use of biofuels

Indonesia is taking steps to reduce its fuels imports and promote the use of biofuels at home in response to its ...

Chamber urges govt to overcome trade deficit

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has urged the government to overcome the country`s high trade ...

Bugis Makassar merchants ready to face AEC

Bugis Makassar merchants are ready to face the ASEAN Economic Community 2015 (AEC 2015), said former Vice President M. ...

Trade deficit caused by oil imports : Minister

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan blamed fast growing oil requirement and imports for the country`s trade deficit. ...

Obscure fuel subsidy policy responsible for rupiah`s weaking

The obscure policy on fuel subsidy was responsible for the rupiah`s weakening against the dollar, an Indonesian ...

RI needs long-term solution to food problem

Indonesia needs a long-term solution to achieving self-sufficiency in food and increasing agricultural products to ...

Medan`s Polonia airport will soon be history

Built and operated for some 70 years, the Polonia International Airport on the outskirt of Medan city, North Sumatra, ...

Businesses support govt`s policy on smelters` development

Indonesian business makers support the government`s policy to increase the number of mineral and coal smelters, saying ...