#indonesian language

Collection of indonesian language news, found 189 news.

President Expresses Condolences on Passing Away of JS Badudu

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his sincere condolences on the death of Prof Dr Jusuf Sjarif Badudu, a ...

Indonesian has potential to become ASEAN language: Expert

Indonesian language has the potential to become the lingua franca of the ASEAN during the era of the ASEAN Economic ...

Malaysian vessel detained for poaching in Indonesian waters

The Maritime and Fisheries Ministrys Hiu 004 patrol ship has detained a Malaysian fishing vessel for poaching fish in ...

Creative economic seen as key aspect to face AEC

On December 31, 2015, the 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will begin ...

Indonesia should develop creative economy to face AEC: Businessman

Indonesia needs to develop its creative economic sector as one of the key economic aspects in the face of the ASEAN ...

Kalla asks for immediate end to sending house maids abroad

Vice President Jusuf Kalla asked for immediate end of sending house maids and untrained workers abroad. ...

Labor unions urge govt not to use foreign labor

Thousands of workers staged a rally on Tuesday, urging the government to not provide easy access to foreign workers ...

Demonstrators "besiege" presidential palace

Thousands of laborers grouped under the Indonesian Workers Movement (GBI) staged a long march from Bank Indonesia ...

Clean river backs preservation of "Bulusan" celebration

A clean river will enable the residents of Jekulo Subdistrict in Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, to keep ...

Million Indonesian junior high school students to take national examination

A total of 3,773,372 Junior High School (SMP) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) students in the country will appear in the ...

Australia sends back illegal immigrants to Indonesian territory

Australia has sent back 15 illegal immigrants from Nepal, Iran and Bangladesh to Indonesian territory in the sea off ...

Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency unearths 2,939 food items

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has uncovered 2,939 food items worth Rp2.9 billion in 72,814 ...

News focus : second track diplomacy proves to be effective

Jakarta (ANTARA News)  - Second track diplomacy proves to be effective to help the government promote the ...

Some 2.8 million school students appear for national exams

About 2.8 million students from upper secondary schools (SMA), senior high Islamic schools (MA), senior high ...

Jokowi cycling with Lorenzo

Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, cycled along with Spanish MotoGP Rider from Yamaha Racing ...