#indonesian navy

Collection of indonesian navy news, found 812 news.

Weekend Stories

Decades of fight to realize a "Drug-Free" ASEAN

Drug abuse has snatched sons from their mothers, split families, caused student dropouts after imprisonment for being ...

Indonesian Navy thwarts human trafficking attempt to Malaysia

A Joint team from the Nunukan, N Kalimantan naval base (Lanal) and the Navy's special Frogmen squad (Kopaska) joint ...

Aceh remains main gate of drug smugglers: BNN

Transnational drug traffickers continue to use Aceh Province as their main entry point into Indonesia to bring in drugs ...

Government encourages completion of maritime delimitation negotiations

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs has supported the completion of maritime boundary negotiations between ...

Maritime, Fishery Ministry sinks 21 foreign boats for poaching

Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has sunken 21 foreign fishing boats for poaching in Indonesian ...

Maritime ministry to act strongly against ships for oil spill

The Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry will crack down on ships causing oil spills in Indonesia's waters on ...

Indonesia, Australia conduct joint maritime patrol exercise in NTT

Indonesia's Main Naval Base (Lantamal) VII in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is conducting a joint maritime ...


Indonesian Coast Guard: Will It surface or sink?

*Siswanto Rusdi is the director of The National Maritime Institute (NAMARIN) Scores of drafts for the establishment ...

Narcotics agency destroys meth smuggled from Malaysia

The North Sumatra Province Narcotics Agency has destroyed 5,810.28 grams of methamphetamine and 968 ecstasy pills ...

Walhi warns of repercussions of oil spill on residents' health

Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) warned residents of the consequences of the oil spill from YYA-1 well of ...

Karawang's salt farmers suffer losses from Pertamina's oil spill

Salt farmers in the northern coast of Karawang, West Java, suffered Rp500-Rp700 million losses from oil spilling from ...

Karawang's fishermen involved in cleaning up oil-spill affected areas

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina has involved 120 fishermen from Sedari Emong Village in Karawang District, ...

Pertamina to compensate fishermen, residents affected by oil spill

State-owned oil and gas company, PT Pertamina, will compensate the inhabitants of the Karawang coastal area in West ...

Pertamina's oil spill has not affected commercial shipping: Ministry

The oil spill caused by the release of gas in the Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) block in ...

Sailboat crew members survive mishap with raft.

The skipper and five crew members of a motor sailboat which sank in the waters of East Kotawaringin district, Central ...