
Collection of infections news, found 1.515 news.

Bogor Mayor pulls plug on offline school as infections spike

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto has decided to stop face-to-face learning (PTM) at all school levels in the area for an ...

Yogyakarta govt asks regions to evaluate offline learning

Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has asked the city and district governments to reevaluate the ...

Daily COVID-19 cases reach 11,588, Jakarta clocks highest cases

Indonesia added 11,588 daily COVID-19 cases on Saturday, with Jakarta accounting for the highest number of infections, ...

After Omicron detected, Riau govt seeks tightening of health protocols

Riau Governor Syamsuar has urged residents to tighten the implementation of the health protocols after a patient in ...

Gap between local transmission, imported Omicron cases narrowing

The number of locally transmitted Omicron cases is now almost matching the number of cases imported from international ...

Improving child nutrition key to prevent stunting: BKKBN

There is an urgent need to improve nutrition in children during their first thousand days (HPK) to reduce the ...

Direct learning in limbo again as virus spreads in schools

Lately, some schools in several Indonesian cities have had to return to online learning after detecting significant ...

Increase in COVID-19 cases triggered by Omicron variant: PDIB

The current increase in COVID-19 cases in the country has been triggered by increased virus transmission in the ...

Optimise COVID-19 task force in Jakarta's schools: Deputy governor

Deputy Governor of Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria urged schools conducting offline activities in the city to optimise the ...

UVD Robots joins Ecolab’s global infection prevention offerings to fight hospital acquired infections

As new coronavirus variants spread, the growth in demand for infection prevention solutions using UV-C light is ...

15 Jakarta schools remain closed due to COVID-19 transmission

So far, 15 out of 43 schools reporting COVID-19 transmission have not returned to the implementation of face-to-face ...

Indonesia logs 3,205 daily COVID-19 cases

A total of 3,205 people were confirmed to have contracted COVID-19 on Saturday, with 2,889 cases involving local ...

Minister presses for continued public compliance to health protocols

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate, in a press statement on Saturday, urged people to remain ...

Strengthen tracing at schools detecting COVID-19 cases: Governor

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has called for the strengthening of contact tracing at schools upon the ...

Be wary of Omicron variant, Health Minister cautions

Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, has urged all parties to remain wary of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 given ...