Bank Indonesia (BI) decided on Tuesday to keep its benchmark interest rate known as BI Rate unchanged at 7.5 percent, ...
The fluctuation of fuel prices can have impact on the inflation rate in April 2015, said Distribution Statistics ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) has indicated that it will continue to implement a tight monetary policy this year to maintain ...
Domestic economic growth will begin to improve in the first quarter of 2015, and the national economy will grow at a ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah lost 148 points of its value to close at the level of 12,870 per US dollar on Thursday. ...
External factors have led to the current depreciation of the rupiah, President Joko Widodo stated here on Thursday. ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo said that Indonesia should be aware of two global challenges that could ...
Bank Indonesias (BI) board of governors decided to keep its reference rate at 7.75 percent, while the Lending Facility ...
The banks in Jakarta traded Indonesias rupiah at Rp12,325 per US dollar on Thursday morning or it regained 13 points ...
The rate of Indonesias rupiah against the US dollar, traded among banks in Jakarta on Wednesday morning, fell to ...
The countrys central bank, Bank Indonesia (BI) announced its plan to curb inflation in 2014 at 7.7 percent or at the ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the 2014 inflation rate will increase to 7.7 to 8.1 percent, which is higher ...
The government is set to save around Rp100 trillion in funds from the Rp2,000 rise in the price of every liter of ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) decided at a meeting of its board of governors here on Thursday to keep its benchmark interest ...
Liquidity in the money market will not be affected too significantly and will still be controllable if the government ...