
Collection of intervention news, found 1.134 news.

Coalition air strikes on Libya draw condemnation in Indonesia

The western coalition`s air strikes on Libya have been denounced as unacceptable by various parties in Indonesia ...

West`s military operations in Libya unacceptable : observer

The military operations launched by westerns countries against Libya are unacceptable as they are a blatant ...

Western air strikes violate Libya`s sovereignty

Theo L Sambuaga, a Golkar party politician, condemned the Coalition`s air strikes against Libya, considering the ...

RI hopes UNSC resolution`s implementation not to hurt Libyans

The Indonesian government hopes the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 on a no-fly zone ...

Russia slams `indiscriminate` foreign attacks on Libya

Russia called for an end to "indiscriminate use of force" by foreign states taking part in military operations in ...

US defense chief rejects targeting Kadhafi

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Sunday it would be "unwise" to have coalition forces try to kill Moamer ...

Arab League criticises western strikes on Libya

The Arab League on Sunday criticised Western military strikes on Libya, a week after urging the United Nations to slap ...

AU panel opposed to military intervention in Libya

A high-level African Union panel on the Libyan crisis Saturday rejected "any kind of foreign military intervention" in ...

First shot fired in Libya destroyed vehicle - France

The first shot in a U.N.-mandated intervention in Libya was fired by a French aircraft and destroyed a military ...

Coalition Launches Military Action In Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday announced the launch of military action in Libya, backed by Western ...

At least 110 Tomahawk missiles fired at Libya: US

US and British forces on Saturday fired a barrage of at least 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya against Moamer ...

RI to abide by UNSC resolution on Libya

Indonesia will abide by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution on Libya which among other things calls ...

Military strikes on Libya within hours: France

Military action to protect civilians from Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi`s forces will come within "hours" and France ...

Hundreds protest Clinton visit in Tunis

Hundreds of Tunisians, including Islamists, marched through central Tunis Thursday to protest the visit of US ...

Accumetrics Announces Publication of GRAVITAS Primary Results in JAMA

-Evaluation of Alternative Treatment Strategies Incorporating Platelet Function Testing Recommended    ...