
Collection of journalists news, found 2.426 news.

Indonesia seeks to vaccinate one million people in June

 Indonesia seeks to vaccinate one million people in June given adequate vaccine stocks,  Health Minister Budi ...

Two slain teachers in Papua's Beoga receive Education Award

Representatives of Yonathan Renden and Oktovianus Rayo, two teachers, recently shot dead by several armed Papuan ...

Widodo appoints two new ministers in minor reshuffle

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appointed Nadiem Makarim as the minister for education, culture, research ...

Densus 88 arrests former secretary general of FPI

Former secretary general of the now-defunct Islam Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman, was arrested by the Indonesian ...

Muslim journalists from US share Ramadhan experiences

Several Muslim journalists residing in the United States came together online to share their experiences and relate how ...

Two held for attacking soup vendor in Papua's Intan Jaya

Papua police arrested two men for brutally assaulting a 50-year-old meatball soup vendor in Sugapa sub-district, Intan ...

Vaccination aids in bolstering recovery of creative economy: Uno

Administering vaccination to cultural and art workers will expedite Indonesia's endeavors to usher in recovery of ...

Indonesia reaches 10.8 million COVID-19 vaccinations

The number of COVID-19 vaccine recipients increased by 95,060 on Saturday (April 17, 2021) to reach 10,801,244, ...

Five fishermen arrested for blast fishing in Komodo National Park

The authorities in East Nusa Tenggara Province arrested five local fishermen for conducting blast fishing in the waters ...

Two drug couriers arrested at North Sumatra's Kualanamu airport

Aviation security at Kualanamu International Airport in North Sumatra province on Tuesday foiled an attempt by two drug ...

25,730 public sector workers vaccinated in West Papua

The West Papua provincial government has disclosed that 25,730 frontline public sector workers in the province have ...

8,838,081 people vaccinated against COVID-19 so far: task force

As of Monday, a total of 8,838,081 people have been administered the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, according to the ...

COVID-19: Three Batam city buffer islands get green zone status

Three of Batam city's buffer islands have been declared COVID-19 green zones following the recovery of five ...

700 vaccine doses secured for West Papua's Teluk Wondama teachers

The Teluk Wondama district administration in West Papua Province has secured 700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for ...

Bekasi: Police destroy explosives at suspected terrorist's house

Police on Monday destroyed explosives that were found at a house rented by a suspected terrorist arrested by the ...