The People`s Consultative Assembly (MPR) will induct Sidarto Dhanusubroto as its new chairman to replace Taufik Kiemas ...
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that Edward Snowden, the former U.S. spy agency contractor, ...
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that Edward Snowden, the former U.S. spy agency contractor, ...
Romania is interested in specific cocoa and coffee from Indonesia, Mariana Sutadi, the Indonesian ambassador to ...
Egypt`s President Mohamed Morsi swore in nine new ministers in a cabinet reshuffle on Tuesday including key economic ...
Former vice president (VP) Jusuf Kalla said Kopassus is the backbone of the country and therefore it must be supported ...
A former British intelligence officer claimed that Britain played a role in the assassination of Congolese ...
- On March 14th 2013, The Scientist Magazine cited comments from a Nobel Assembly spokesperson, who stated Dr. ...
Portugal`s Food Safety Authority (ASAE) opened criminal proceedings against five Portuguese companies Tuesday for ...
Bali governor Made Mangku Pastika said the death sentence for British national Lindsay June Sandiford was fair. ...
The Supreme Court Justice`s candidate, M Daming Sanusi, gets public criticism for jokingly said that rapist should not ...
A court in Tunis on Monday ordered the release of Ali Hamzi, a Tunisian suspected of involvement in the deadly attack ...
Non governmental organization Lumbung Informasi Rakyat (Lira) said not few high ranking officials including cabinet ...
Members of the Ethics Council of the Supreme Court and the Judicial Commission decided on Tuesday to dishonorably ...
U.S. President Barack Obama is calling for calm in Egypt and for the country to resolve differences over its ...