
Collection of kenya news, found 391 news.

Gemalto and United Nations Federal Credit Union Advance Payments Security with Faster EMV Global Payment Card Issuance

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, is enabling United Nations Federal Credit ...

(RED), U2 and Bank of America Partner to Fight AIDS

- (RED), rock group U2 and Bank of America today announced a partnership that will generate more than $10 million to ...

Seychelles and FAO Appreciating Indonesia's Blue Economy Implementation

The Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sharif C. Sutardjo paid visit to the Blue Economy Summit in the framework ...

Fighting rages in South Sudan oil regions

Heavy fighting between government forces and rebels was raging Thursday in South Sudans key oil-producing north, ...

SkyTeam Announces Garuda Indonesia's Date of Joining

SkyTeam, the global airline alliance, will welcome Garuda Indonesia as its 20th member on March 5, 2014. The national ...

Indonesia chosen to host military congress 2015

Indonesia was chosen to host the 41th International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM) Congress during its 40th ...

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure Commits $130 Million to Nigerian Power Sector

- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that it has committed to invest up to $130 ...

Developing countries urge WTO agreement on food security

Developing countries in the G-33 (Group of 33) have urged World Trade Organization (WTO) members to reach an agreement ...

Kenya piles pressure on Somali refugees to return home

Kenya on Friday said Somali refugee camps were being used as a safe haven for Islamist militants and said the time had ...

On World Rhino Day, efforts to boost rhino conservation intensify

World Rhino Day 2013 was celebrated on September 22 in many countries, including Indonesia, with demands made for ...

Uganda interested in Indonesian military industry products

Uganda Defense Minister Kiyonga Cripus has expressed interest in Indonesian military industry products including CN ...

Chandler Corporation Acquires an 80% Shareholding in Vietnam's Hoan My Medical Corporation

- The Chandler Corporation announced todaya US $99 millioninvestment in Hoan My Medical Corporation, acquiring an 80% ...

Chandler Corporation Acquires an 80% Shareholding in Vietnam's Hoan My Medical Corporation

- The Chandler Corporation announced today a US $99 million investment in Hoan My Medical Corporation, acquiring an 80% ...

UNESCO to add new sites to world heritage list

World Heritage Committee will meet this month in Cambodia to consider adding 32 more sites onto UNESCO`s World ...

Thousands of Kenyans to sue Britain over Mau Mau treatment

More than 8,000 Kenyans are seeking millions of dollars (pounds/euros) in compensation from former colonial rulers ...