
Collection of ketapang news, found 181 news.

Police impose odd-even license plate policy during restrictions

Personnel of the West Jakarta Traffic Police are deployed to monitor implementation of the odd-even license plate ...

Marine Ministry plants mangroves for tsunami disaster mitigation

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries conducted coastal vegetation planting with 6,300 seedlings at five ...

Six dead, 14 missing after vessel sinks in Bali Strait

A motor vessel sank in Bali Strait on Tuesday night, leaving at least six people dead while rendering 14 others ...

Increasing awareness of Indonesians living in "disaster supermarket"

Natural disasters are a day-to-day occurrence in Indonesia, as some 10 natural disasters occurred daily in ...

Indonesia requires Rp6,000-trillion investment in 2022

Indonesia will require Rp6,000-trillion investment in 2022 to drive economic growth, National Development Planning ...

BRGM to reforest West Kalimantan's 6,000-hectare mangrove forests

The Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) plans to reforest six thousand hectares of mangrove forests in five ...

Millions of tree seedlings should be planted on coast: BNPB

National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Head Doni Monardo stressed on the need for planting millions of tree ...

Infrastructure development in Baluran becomes national priority

Infrastructure development in several coastal tourism destinations in Baluran Situbondo National Park, East Java, are ...

BMKG identifies 325 hotspots in West Kalimantan

A total of 325 hotspots indicating land and forest fires were found in West Kalimantan Province as of Friday, according ...

Aceh Police investigators apprehend four orangutan traffickers

Investigators of the Aceh Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate took into detention four traffickers ...

Conservation agency tracking crocodile in Mentaya river

The Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) is tracking a four-meter-long crocodile that was ...

Rise in crocodile sightings near Mentaya River terrifies locals

Increased sightings of crocodiles around Mentaya River in Mentawa Baru Ketapang sub-district, Kotawaringin Timur ...

Stop throwing spoiled meat in river to curb crocodile attacks: BKSDA

The Central Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has appealed to local residents in East ...

Elderly woman loses arm in crocodile attack in Central Kalimantan

A 74-year-old woman lost her left arm in a crocodile attack that again occurred in a creek in Sampit, the capital of ...

Former vice president Hamzah Haz hospitalized

Former Indonesian vice president Hamzah Haz has been admitted to the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital in Jakarta for organ ...