#kulon progo

Collection of kulon progo news, found 172 news.

Indonesia to revive old wisdom to promote sustainable tourism

Using their native wisdom, culturally-rich Indonesians have practiced environmental preservation and sustainable ...

Adisutjipto Airport relocation being studied

Adisutjipto Airport relocation plan from Sleman district to Kulon Progo district is still in the stage of a ...

Indonesia must actively help solve global problems : President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said because of the complexity of today`s global problems Indonesia must actively ...

Resigning from Golkar is Paloh`s basic right

Golkar Party`s advisory board member Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X said he respected Surya Paloh`s decision to resign ...

Kulonprogo promoting bio-gas as alternative energy source

The environmental office of Kulon Progo district, Yogyakarta province, is promoting the use of biogas as an ...

Water, air police investigate empty boat in Gunung Kidul

Yogyakarta water and air police are investigating an empty boat in Sadeng Coast, Gunung Kidul regency. "Our team ...

RI Govt confirms huge iron ore deposit in Kulon Progo

Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat has confirmed the presence of a deposit of 300 million tons of iron ore in Kulon ...