#land degradation

Collection of land degradation news, found 44 news.

G20 Indonesia

Encouraging multilateralism cooperation to address environmental issue

Dozens of ministers for the environment and climate of G20 member countries held an important meeting in Nusa Dua, ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 environment ministers' meeting yields several agreements

The Joint Environment and Climate Ministers' Meeting (JECMM) of the G20 resulted in several agreements on ...

Govt launches FOLUR project to build food system integration

The government has launched Indonesia's Food Systems, Land Use, and Restoration (FOLUR) Project to support the ...

Ministry to set mangrove rehabilitation areas for int'l cooperation

The Environment and Forestry Ministry will determine mangrove restoration areas that will be supported by international ...

Indonesia has shown commitment to mangrove rehabilitation: BRGM

Indonesia’s ongoing mangrove rehabilitation efforts reflect its commitment to overcoming land degradation and ...

Indonesia pushing mangrove rehabilitation initiatives at G20 forum

Indonesia, through the Environment and Forestry Ministry, is encouraging and supporting concrete steps at the G20 forum ...

Indonesia affirms sustainable development commitment in G20

Indonesia stressed its commitment to achieving sustainable development, including by addressing the issue of land ...

G20 Indonesia

Digitalization vital for sustainable forestry development: Bakar

Digitalization can play an important role in helping the forestry and environmental sectors achieve the targets of ...

G20: RI pushes creation of learning platform for mangrove restoration

The Indonesian G20 Presidency is encouraging the creation of a learning platform for the restoration and rehabilitation ...

FAO calls for sustainable forest management

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in commemorating the International Day of Forests, ...

G20 Indonesia

Making Indonesia's blue economy concept harmonious with G20 vision

The blue economy concept is currently one of the major guidelines for the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Marine Ministry to prioritize ocean health, sustainable fishery

As part of the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) this year, the Marine Affairs and ...

Forest restoration to minimize deforestation: expert

Restoring forest areas can help reduce deforestation and achieve the forestry sector's net sink target, according ...

Massive peatland damage connected to flooding: researcher

There is a connection between peatland damage, which causes such lands to lose their function of absorbing and storing ...

RI refutes UK minister's incorrect statement on zero deforestation

Indonesian Vice Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar rebutted the statement made by the UK's Climate and International ...