
Collection of leaving news, found 1.634 news.

Nazaruddin continues fast at Brimob detention center

Graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin continued to fulfill his religious duty of fasting while staying in his cell at the ...

Yemen opposition asks West to freeze Saleh assets

A leading member of Yemen`s opposition called on Western countries to freeze the assets of President Ali Abdullah ...

Most wanted Nazaruddin arrives at Halim

Former Democrat Party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin arrived here at around 8pm on Saturday after being on the run for ...

Democrat Party not to interfere in Nazaruddin`s case

The general chairman of Indonesia`s ruling Democrat Party, Anas Urbaningrum, said the party would not politicize or ...

ASEAN, China discuss possibility of using alternative currencies in trading

Economic ministers from ASEAN and China discussed the possibility of using alternative currencies in future bilateral ...

Indonesia awaiting arrival of most wanted man

Indonesia`s most wanted man so far will finally come home soon, after leaving the country for quite a long time to ...

Strong 5.9 quake jolts Japan disaster zone

A 5.9-magnitude earthquake shook northeast Japan Friday, jolting the area devastated by a quake and tsunami in March, ...

BPOM destroys thousands of illegal Malaysian products in Dumai

The Riau Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) destroyed thousands of illegal bottles of drinks and food of different ...

Return of dead U.S. troops closed to media

The Pentagon said Monday that a ceremony marking the return of 30 US troops killed in Afghanistan would be closed to ...

Australian PM condemns UK riots

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Tuesday condemned rioters in London of United Kingdom, who have set fire on ...

RI embassy in Bogota plans to deport Nazaruddin this week

The Indonesian embassy in Bogota, Colombia, planned to deport bribery case suspect M Nazaruddin this week. ...

Govt to transport Idul Fitri motorcyclists to home towns

Motorcyclists need not have to ride for long hours thus making them prone to accidents to enjoy the next holiday with ...

Thousands of truck still stuck in Merak port

Thousands of truck are still stuck in the toll road heading to Merak port waiting to get across to Sumatra island, a ...

PDS urges govt to investigate vandalizm of school, church

The general chairman of the Prosperous Peace Party (PDS), Denny Tewu, has asked the government and security ...

No indications of foreign intervention in Papua: Army chief

Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo said he had not seen any indication yet of foreign infiltration in ...