
Collection of lebaran news, found 499 news.

President urges Polri to maintain unity of Indonesia

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the Indonesian Police (Polri) to maintain the unity and integrity of ...

MUI lauds police performance in securing Idul Fitri exodus

The Indonesian Ulemas (Islamic scholars) Council (MUI) has lauded the performance of the Indonesian police and other ...

Air transportation passengers during Lebaran reach 5.18 million

The number of airline passengers traveling from 13 airports during post-fasting Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran festivities in ...

Transportation Ministry lauded for smooth Idul Fitri exodus

The Transportation Ministry has done good job in handling the implementation of Idul Fitri Islamic holiday exodus, ...

No increase in fuel oil prices: Minister

Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Ignasius Jonan said that the government will not raise the prices of fuel ...

Ministry to propose intermodal transportation law

The Ministry of Transportation is planning to propose to the House the issuance of an intermodal transportation law to ...

Indrawati expects inflation to stay within four percent target range

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati still expects the 2017 inflation rate to stay within the governments target ...

Newcomers barred from setting up huts in Jakarta

Newcomers after the 2017 Lebaran mass exodus are barred from setting up illegal huts under the flyovers, bridges, or ...

Indonesia`s inflation up 0.69 percent in June 2017: BPS

Indonesias inflation rate rose 0.69 percent in June 2017, fueled by a rise in electricity tariffs, air tickets and ...

Wiranto praises collaboration of ministries and state institutions

Coordinating minister for politics, security and legal affairs Wiranto praised the collaboration between ministries ...

Black box of crashed helicopter retrieved

The black box of the Eurocopter AS365 N3 Dolphin helicopter belonged to National Search and Rescue Agency (Badan SAR ...

Badan SAR Nasional to investigate helicopter crash in temanggung

A team from the National Search and Rescue Agency (Badan SAR Nasional) will soon investigate the cause of the crash of ...

SAR helicopter reportedly crashes in Temanggung

A helicopter of National Search and Rescue or Basarnas reportedly crashed in Temanggung District of Central Java ...

Over 1 million passengers travel through Bali airport

State-owned airport operator PT Angkasa I said that over 1 million passengers have traveled through Balis Ngurah Rai ...

Some 492,934 Eid travelers have yet to return from Sumatra

Some 492,943 Eid al-Fitr or Lebaran travelers who had visited Sumatra have yet to return to Java Island through the ...