#leuser national park

Collection of leuser national park news, found 53 news.

Wild Sumatran tiger captured in West Sumatra's Solok District

A Sumatran tiger (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) got ensnared in a trap recently installed by the West Sumatra Natural ...

Police apprehend Jambi resident illegally trading Sumatran tiger skin

The Jambi Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and police personnel apprehended Fendi, alias Tendi, alias Seng ...

Sumatran tigers attack several cows in Riau: BKSDA

The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) deployed a team to handle the recent attacks of wild Sumatran ...

Sumatran tiger trapped in South Sumatra's Muara Enim District

A Sumatran tiger (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) got ensnared in a trap recently installed by the South Sumatra Natural ...

BKSDA reports five deaths in Sumatran tiger-human conflicts in 2019

The South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) confirmed that five people died while 10 others ...

Sumatran tiger preservation to entail adoption of cultural approach

The comprehensive adoption of a cultural approach is deemed necessary to preserve some 600 Sumatran tigers ...

Aceh to promote halal tourism

Indonesia`s western most province of Aceh is the only region in Indonesia that officially applies sharia (Islamic ...

Protection of Leuser ecosystem crucial: NGO

Protection of the Leuser Ecosystem zone (KEL) is crucial, as it is a national strategic area, according to an Aceh ...

1,430 families in west sumatra remain isolated due to floods

Around 1,430 families living in the flood-hit areas of Pasaman Barat District, West Sumatra Province, remain unable to ...

Floods affect 24,321 people in Aceh Singkil District

The Aceh Singkil Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported that the floods that inundated 24 villages in the eight ...

Appeal to protect Leuser ecosystem

The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (TRHS) is prioritized after UNESCOs World Heritage Committees decision, in ...

NGO calls for firm action against illegal logging in Mt Leuser area

Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) has urged legal enforcers to take firm action against illegal logging ...

Saving remaining Sumatran tigers

Indonesia is one of the 13 countries in the world that have tigers living within their borders. India has the ...

Way Kambas Park designated as ASEAN Heritage Park

The Way Kambas National Park in Lampung Province, has been designated as the 36th ASEAN Heritage Park. The ...

Around 100 Sumatran tigers live in Mount Leuser National Park

A recent study has shown that there are only around 100 Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris Sumatrae) currently ...