YPO, the premier global network of chief executives and business leaders, is preparing to showcase global innovations ...
Former UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who led the world body during one of its most difficult periods, ...
Former UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who led the world body from the hopeful times that emerged at the ...
- Blackboard Inc., the world’s leading education technology company, today announced that William ...
Young Presidents' Organization (YPO), the world's premier peer network of chief executives and business leaders, ...
The California-based rock band Eagles of Death Metal was in the midst of a European tour, promoting its fourth album ...
A US county clerk who refused in the name of her faith to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples said she ...
- The LUI Che Woo Prize - Prize for World Civilisation ('the Prize' or 'the LUI Che Woo Prize') today celebrated ...
- Mr. Kevin Xu, President of MEBO International, on behalf of his family, thanks President Barack Obama and President ...
Indonesia is committed to ensuring equitable quality education and lifelong learning in drafting global education ...
British singer Sarah Brightman announced the postponement of her space journey to the International Space Station ...
Scotland has rejected independence in a referendum that leaves the United Kingdom intact but opens the door to wider ...
Educating entrepreneurs is believed to be a key driver for the economy because every student will have the chance to ...
The number of diabetes patients in Indonesia rose from 8 million in 2011 to 8.5 million in 2013, becoming the seventh ...
- Dr. Rongxiang Xu, a Los Angeles resident, received the prestigious Scroll Award from the Los Angeles county ...