Indonesia sent the biggest delegation to the ASEAN Regional Forum - Disaster Relief Exercise (ARF-Direx) being held ...
The government reiterated that there had been no operations like "Gelar Sajadah" (spreading out prayer mat) in West ...
Hundreds of jubilant Libyan rebels cheered and fired into the air, celebrating control of the oil town of Raslanuf on ...
National Police Chief Gen Timur Pradopo said his side had not yet named any suspect in Sunday`s clashes between ...
Egypt continues to suffer revenue losses from the lack of tourists as the country tries to return to a normal daily ...
Sudan`s army bombed rebel positions in Darfur and later surrounded and threatened to burn down a refugee camp and ...
Indonesia`s ruling party leader Anas Urbaningrum said a movement for the collection of coins for President Susilo ...
National leaders must not do anything that can adversely affect their performance and just concentrate on their jobs ...