#ministry of culture

Collection of ministry of culture news, found 125 news.

Australia attends e Kalimantan expo

An Australian education consultant, International Development Program (IDP), will take part in a five-day development ...

Jakarta`s recreational parks ready for waves of visitors

Three of Jakarta`s favorite recreational centers - Ragunan Zoo, Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park (TMII), and Jaya ...

Jero Wacik goes on Ramadan Safari

Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik went on Ramadan Safari to Ragunan Zoo and Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature ...

Halmahera, Morotai projected as East Indonesia`s Industrial Centers

Rich in marine and natural resources, the islands of Halmahera and Morotai in North Maluku deserve to be developed ...

Pros and cons on Komodo`s withdrawal from New7wonders competition

The culture and tourism ministry`s decision to withdraw the Komodo National Park from participation in the final ...

Halmahera, Morotai Projected As East Indonesia`s Industrial Centers

Rich in marine and natural resources, the islands of Halmahera and Morotai in North Maluku deserve to be developed ...

Campaign To Help Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race Regain Former Glory

The Maluku and Darwin authorities will promote the Darwin-Ambon International Yacht Race and Rally in ASEAN and other ...

Delegations from 20 countries discuss cultural cooperation

Delegations from 20 countries in Asia and Europe gathered in Senggigi tourist resort in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, ...

Ukus named director general at tourism ministry

Ukus Kuswara was officially appointed as director general for cultural arts and film affairs at the Ministry of ...

Thai delegation to leave for Hague to elaborate temple issue

Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya will leave for The Hague of the Netherlands Friday evening to elaborate the Preah ...

Time for N. Maluku to become tourist destination

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will promote North Maluku as a tourist destination besides the already existing ...

Provincial govt seeking world heritage status for Muaro Jambi site

The Jambi provincial administration is striving to have the ancient Muaro Jambi temple site at Muaro Jambi village in ...

Aceh artists hail recognition of Saman dance by Unesco

The plan of Unesco to include the Saman dance into its list of world intangible heritage of humanity is hailed by the ...

UNESCO to recognize Aceh`s Saman dance

The people of Aceh province may celebrate with pride when the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...

Borobudur temple conservation hangs in balance following volcanic ashes

Conservation experts are racing against time to preserve the Borobudur World Heritage Site which was severely damaged ...