#more popular

Collection of more popular news, found 2.280 news.

Scan sonar detects object beneath Lake Toba

Scan sonar has detected objects in two locations at a depth of 490 meters in Lake Toba in North Sumatra on Sunday ...

North Sulawesi must increase tour packages to attract tourists

The North Sulawesi provincial government has called on the local Tourism Office to increase tour packages and cultural ...

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo hosts "Princess Mermaid Sweets Buffet"

- Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), one of Japan's most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will ...

Ant Financial to share full suite of AI capabilities with asset management companies

- Ant Financial Services Group ("Ant Financial" or "the Company") today announced that the Company will share a full ...

Ragunan zoo adds more personnel to meet hike in visitors

The management of Ragunan Zoo in South Jakarta has added more than 300 personnel, starting from Friday until next ...

Purbalingga regent detained by KPK on charge of corruption

A team of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has nabbed Purbalingga Regent Tasdi on charge of ...

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo hosts "The 38th Arita and Imari Porcelain Exhibition"

- Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo (KPH), one of Japan's most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will ...

IBIN introduced into billion dollar blockchain market by Hybrid Stock Exchange

- Hybrid Stock Exchange, a blockchain based trading platform using the released IBIN as a blockshare identifier, are ...

Harry and Meghan`s wedding to blend royal tradition with Hollywood glamour

Prince Harry weds U.S. actress Meghan Markle on Saturday in a lavish ceremony that unites the pomp of British royalty ...

THE FIRST GROUP teams with IQI Global to target potential investors in Asia-Pacific region

- The First Group, one of Dubai's most-respected property developers, is partnering with the prominent South-East Asian ...

Malaysia`s Mahathir bars former PM from leaving the country

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad barred his predecessor, Najib Razak, from going overseas on Saturday, saying ...

Improving security at Komodo National Park

Efforts to improve security of Komodo National Park tourist area in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara ...

Asian Games must still be promoted

The Indonesian government must boost the promotion of the 18th Asian Games, as the sporting event, which is to be held ...

Jeonju International Film Festival and Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival returns in May 2018

- In the month of May, the 19th Jeonju International Film Festival and 22nd Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival, will be held ...

Workers urge government to lift 2015 regulation on labor wages

Laborers of 35 alliances grouped in the "Labor Movement for the People" have urged the government to lift ...